Photography Group Exhibition2021, Germany
Curated by Özlem Sarıyıldız
visit the virtual tour
Galerie Z22 is pleased to announce THE FEMALE SIDE OF THE MOON Photography Group
Exhibition between 23.01.2021 - 27.03.2021. The exhibition features the photographs of forty
photographers from twenty-eight countries where the framer and the framed are women*.
THE FEMALE SIDE OF THE MOON pursues the female gaze. But rather than examining what it is and if such a
thing ever exists, it wants to render and foster the multiplicity of the looks of women* towards women*.
The bodies photographed turn into the cracks of the earth, they witness the restless geographies they arise from.
The faces change, the atmospheres alter, and the exhibition becomes a tiny archive of emotions of different geographies
and generations portrayed in different genres.
THE FEMALE SIDE OF THE MOON does not describe itself with an external gaze, does not derive from it. All the glances in
the image traffic here belong to women* with true desires, with real faces. They enjoy, take pleasure, dare to look at and
share their pain. Either in the photographers or in the photographed, we see women* staking a claim on their desires with
their waves of anger and serenity, and above all, with their acts: the act of looking…
The artists dare to reveal many gestures to free the body from the suffocating gaze, the suffocation the body absorbs.
They break the conventions, defy the labels, subvert the heteronormative stereotypes and the representations.
They challenge the patriarchal norms, ideas related to gender, and social roles. They want us to look again, and to look once more.
Their looks extend and open the body to the world. They evoke joy, and their eyes empower life.
Featured Artists:
ADRIANA LESTIDO (Argentina) • ANNET TURKI (Germany) • ASTRIDX AIM (Italy) • BIRTHE PIONTEK (Canada) • CHEENA KAPOOR (India) • DANIELLE BENVENUTO (United States-Germany) • ELINOR CARUCCI (United States) • FABEHA MONIR (Bangladesh) • GOHAR DASHTI (Iran-United States) • GRETE STERN (Germany-Argentina) • GULNUR MUKAZHANOVA (Kazakhstan-Germany) • HALEY MORRIS-CAFIERO (United States) • IRA ROKKA (Russia) • IREM SÖZEN (Turkey) • JANINE MACHIEDO (Germany) • JENEVIEVE AKEN (Nigeria) • JULIA MARGARET CAMERON (United Kingdom) • KRISTINA PODOBED (Ukraine) • KUMI OGURO (Japan-Belgium) • LAUREN MULLIGAN (South Africa) • LEONOR DE BLAS (Paraguay) • LIORA K. (United States) • MAKS DANNECKER (Germany) • MARTELINE NYSTED (Norway) • NADA ŽGANK (Slovenia) • NAZIK ARMENAKYAN (Armenia) • NIURKA BARROSO (Cuba-Canada) • ORLAN (France) • PAOLA PAREDES (Ecuador) • RENA EFFENDI (Azerbaijan) • RUTH ORKIN (United States) • SARAH MAPLE (United Kingdom) • SARAH WAISWA (Uganda-Kenya) • SELEN SOLAK (Turkey-Germany) • STEPHANIE CORNFIELD (France) • TINA WINKHAUS (Germany) • TOYA SARNO JORDAN (Argentina) • TOKYO RUMANDO (Japan) • TÜRKAN KENTEL (Germany) • ZHANNA GLADKO (Belarus)